Instead of thinking about prospects, I encourage you to think about customers. Prospects provide some information in exchange for content or something else. Job Function Email List They may or may not be interested in your product or service. Job Function Email List Chances are, they don't want ongoing communication from you. Instead of thinking about prospects, think about customers, says MicheleLinn content marketing.
Click To TweetOn the other hand, customers sign up to receive regular communications from you because they think you have something valuable to Job Function Email List say - and that you will continue to have value. They sign up because they want what they anticipate you will provide. While changing your mindset from customer to Job Function Email List prospect is a great first step, I challenge you to go one step further. During the ICC keynote talk.
Robert Rose explained that he considers two types of email addresses: collected and assigned. Given is data that is freely given because people want to Job Function Email List hear from you. The data collected is much less useful because it's an email given to Job Function Email List gets a one-time exchange - but it's often wrong (or, at the very least, they turn out to be an uninvolved customer). Are you spending too much time and energy around which assets to keep so you can get leads?